CircleScope TRACKER 2.

Wind Turbine Industry

Installed animal tracking systems in:

  • Denmark
  • Germany
  • Netherlands
  • Norway
  • Scotland
  • USA

Agricultural Industry

Development of camera modules in close collaboration with CLAAS E-Systems’ development department in Denmark.

These modules are used for automatic positioning of machines, self-steering of implements, detection of foreign bodies in crops, etc.

CLAAS E-Systems is a high-tech company that supplies equipment to one of the world’s leading manufacturers of agricultural machinery.

Bio-Chemical Industry

Development of solutions for collecting and processing data from optical instruments like microscopes, spectroscopes etc.

Camera, PhaseOne

Camera Systems

Development of ultra high speed digital solutions in collaboration with Phase One .

The solutions requires ultra high speed digital signal handling – resolutions up to 80 Mega pixels in 1,4 frames pr. second – in ultra compact format.

Phase One is a danish company that supplies cameras and software specifically aimed at the professional market.